Viewing 1 to 47 of 47 orthologs

SSD Borderline Similar Non-SSD Divergent Non-SSD RBB
Query Gene: Psefu_2543, hypothetical protein (GI:333900729), strain Pseudomonas fulva 12-X
Strain GI Locus Tag Description Inparalogs Classification
Pseudomonas putida BIRD-1 386012878 PPUBIRD1_3354 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida F1 148548646 Pput_3438 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas denitrificans ATCC 13867 472325288 H681_10610 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida HB3267 431801839 B479_09475 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas stutzeri RCH2 431927445 Psest_2323 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7 152985875 PSPA7_3539 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 229592036 PFLU4634 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa LESB58 218892280 PALES_35611 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2192 254240110 PA2G_00750 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida KT2440 26989056 PP_2332 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa PACS2 107101199 PaerPA_01002231 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida H8234 512577590 L483_09420 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas mendocina ymp 146307106 Pmen_2078 hypothetical protein SSD
Pseudomonas sp. UW4 426410558 PputUW4_03660 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa RP73 514409179 M062_09220 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas fluorescens A506 387895077 PflA506_3937 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a 66045323 Psyr_2083 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa UCBPP-PA14 116049718 PA14_41690 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa B136-33 478479455 G655_16330 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa M18 386059341 PAM18_3278 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas stutzeri DSM 10701 397687309 PSJM300_11030 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas stutzeri CCUG 29243 392421184 A458_10640 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas stutzeri ATCC 17588 = LMG 11199 339494009 PSTAB_1932 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida ND6 395444273 YSA_01164 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5 346642840 PFL_1859 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 77457989 Pfl01_1762 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida NBRC 14164 512686544 PP4_34870 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida W619 170720958 PputW619_1773 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 378951962 PSF113_4058 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 15596965 PA1768 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida GB-1 167032941 PputGB1_1933 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas brassicacearum subsp. brassicacearum NFM421 330810897 PSEBR_a3960 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa DK2 392984763 PADK2_16845 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas poae RE*1-1-14 447917806 H045_14065 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 146282392 PST_2032 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A 71733246 PSPPH_2054 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000 28869485 PSPTO_2285 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas mendocina NK-01 330503556 MDS_2642 hypothetical protein SSD
Pseudomonas stutzeri DSM 4166 386020675 PSTAA_2063 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 39016 313110458 PA39016_002410045 RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa C3719 254234863 PACG_00737 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCGM2.S1 386065608 NCGM2_2669 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida S16 339486835 PPS_1914 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas resinovorans NBRC 106553 512619378 PCA10_37250 putative major facilitator superfamily transporter RBB
Pseudomonas entomophila L48 104781045 PSEEN1900 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E 397698082 T1E_5350 hypothetical protein RBB
Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 501679350 PFLCHA0_c18900 hypothetical protein RBB